If a picture has a soulful effect on the viewer, if it puts his mind in a beautiful mood, then it has fulfilled the first requirement of a work of art (C.D. Friedrich)
Those who know they have a deep understanding strive for clarity; those who are trying to appear of deep understanding strive for keeping things in the Dark (F. Nietzsche)
The minutest doing can be ranked higher than talking about things achieved (F. Nietzsche)
An image does not have to be invented, but felt (C.D. Friedrich)
You are most bound by the invisible strings (F. Nietzsche)
At the end of every really new thought there is for the obedient followers of an old thought an insult, an unpleasant, but of salutary thought-attack (M. Biller)
I love the one who throws golden words ahead of his deeds and always keeps more than he promised... I love the one whose soul is abundant with others , who does not want to be thanked and does not give back: as he will always give and does not want to keep himself (F. Nietzsche)
The Enemy is always the Other (J.P.  Sartre)
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